Friday 8 March 2013

What do you like most about your novel so far?  Perhaps it is the style of writing the author uses, or the way he describes a character or scene.  Write one paragraph regarding your favorite aspect of your novel.

My favourite part about my novel so far is the very beginning. In fact, I think my favourite part in every book is the beginning. It is my favourite part because the start of the book reveals a lot about the characters and you get to know them. Usually you learn about their beliefs, value, and characteristics, physical appearance, and background of their past. After getting to know your main characters you can see how they can change throughout the book. The start of “Of Mice and Men” starts off as the two men step out onto the cleared area in the forest by the road. While they set up camp George and Lennie laugh with each other and talk about their dream. It creates a warm cozy feeling and you get a sense a strong bond between the two, of friendship. 


  1. I've heard many good things about this book Zoey, I'm glad you're enjoying it. Who is your favourite character so far?

  2. You did a good job at describing the beginning of your book. My english teacher at sturgeon told us this book is really good and we should all read it, and I think I might.

  3. Your book sounds interesting to read. I think you did a good job telling us what your favourite part was. I can't relate to you though. My favourite part n a book, is the plot or exciting events that go on. If I read your book in the future, maybe I will feel the same way.
